Yakima County contains one of Washington State’s most diverse agricultural cropping systems and is the #1 County in Washington based on the market value of crop and livestock products. (We are also the 12th largest agricultural producing county in the nation.) Agriculture contributes over $1.2 billion to our local economy. Not only is agriculture vital to our economy but it is part of our heritage and who we are as a people.
I support protecting our farmland and ensuring we have working lands. This will be accomplished by ensuring our Horizon 2040 Comprehensive Plan, as required by the Growth Management Act (GMA), does little to no impact on agriculture production lands. Our agriculture industry continues to evolve in growing and harvesting techniques, product development, technology and reach into newer markets. Ensuring we have vital land accessible to promote opportunities for the next great innovators is a top priority.
What’s Been Done:
- Worked with stakeholders on Agritourism Code updates
- Appointed Yakima County Planning Commissioners who have Ag experience
- Worked with County Planning Staff on Solor overlays that protect vital Ag lands
- Created Water Bank and worked to obtain additional water rights
- Secured $80,000 in federal funds to help with Ag technology workforce development