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Government Accountability

"I will remain accessible and present in our community, attending community events and making my direct phone and email available to anyone."

I support moving County legislative business to a more accessible time and place for citizens. For most county business to happen in the middle of the workday is exclusionary and does not promote public participation or accountability. We need to ensure County resources are accessible to everyone in our community and this includes providing bilingual services.  We need to continue online zoom options for Commissioner Study Sessions and meetings and also ensure our County’s website is updated to better display services. 

Every effort should be made to keep Yakima County’s tax dollars local.  The easiest way to do this is to spend our dollars within our local community and support our local businesses and services.  I support a review of the County’s public procurement process to allow for competitive bidding and to give our local businesses a step up.  The County’s goal should promote a diverse and dynamic community with a healthy economy and environment where people and businesses have the opportunity to thrive.

I will remain accessible and present in our community, attending community events and making my direct phone and email available to anyone.

What’s Been Done:

  • Filled all vacancies by appointing volunteers to the 40+ boards and commissions
  • Hosted “Fundaments of Lean Management” workshop for Directors and Sr. Leadership
  • Implemented WorkDay Performance Base Module
  • Developed and implemented Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for all Departments
  • Updated all signage in Courthouse to include Spanish
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20th annual Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day Candlelight Vigil
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Kyle Curtis, LaDon Linde in lead for return to Yakima County commissioner seats
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Affordable Housing Council of Central Washington proudly endorses Commissioner Curtis
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