Yakima County plans to tap reserves to balance 2024 operating budget
On Tuesday, Yakima County Commissioners approved a $354 million preliminary budget with $78 million of that supporting the general fund, which mostly pays for law and justice services.
Commissioners scheduled two public hearings on the budget — 10 a.m. Dec. 5 and 6:30 p.m. Dec. 6. Both hearings will be held in Room B33 of the Yakima County Courthouse at 129 N. Second St.
The proposed budget also includes a wish list. Some of the larger request are $500,000 for equipment rental and revolving enhancements, $450,000 for an evidence collection vehicle and $119,665 for a SWAT Team partnership.
“The County, like all local governments, deals with rising costs that are met with limited tax dollars. In order to balance our budget and deliver mandated and essential services at the same level to our community, we needed to make hard decisions,” Curtis said.